first ran across Mr. Gigeroff while trying to escape the heat inside of
Electropollis Studio. As I slipped out a side door, I almost ran into a very
genial gentleman who immediately stuck out his hand and introduced himself. No
one can stay tongue tied in his presence. I was subjected to an immediate
barrage of questions. We then
discussed favorite episodes, the lack of Lexx merchandising and his brother
Andre. I ran across him several times over the next few days and he always asked
wanted to know if our visit was going okay, and seemed genuinely intent on
making sure that it was going well. So
of course I was just thrilled when he agreed to be interviewed for Sadgeezer.com.
I noticed that your credits are sometimes listed as
Michael Fitzgerald? There are
two listed, what is something you have been in under the name of
Michael Fitzgerald ?
Gigeroff: None that I’m aware of… I looked up the
Michael Fitzgerald thing in the imdb, and discovered that he was listed in the
credits of Cadillac Girls as, I think, a Priest or something. I, however,
played "Drunk White Boy" (and if ever there was a character that
demanded a spin-off, DWB has to be it). I'm not sure who Fitzgerald is,
but I don't think he is a local actor (I could be wrong). But I think that
As a story writer how do you feel about people creating their own stories
based on your characters and themes that you have written?
Gigeroff: Hey, whatever gets you through the night…
(Ed. Note: Actually, he absolutely loves it and finds it kind of
Do you ever read any of the fan fic on the net?
What do you think about it?
Gigeroff: The only thing I’ve read was an erotic poem about balloons.
Otherwise I try to stay away from fan fic. (Ed.
Note: He thought it was pretty interesting. *Gigeroff Laughed* But this is his
job, and at the end of the day he likes to turn to other subject matter. Heresy
I know, but that is what he said. : ) )
One of your previous interviewers noted; a genial and knowledgeable son
of sci-fi, Gigeroff appeared in Donovan's much-maligned 1994 movie Paint Cans.
Why was this movie maligned? I would imagine it was due to it’s poking fun at
the Canadian film industry. True? Or was it due to making fun of the grant
Gigeroff: Personally I thought it was
one of the better movies in
Do you feel this later affected your job choices?
Gigeroff: No – I was only there a
few days. It didn’t seem to affect
Paul Gross’ or Bruce Greenwood’s career.
What is the favorite roll that you have had outside of Lexx?
Gigeroff: I got to play Ronnie Relish (a kiddie-TV host) in The Real Howard
Spitz – and a couple of characters on Liography… a drug dealer, a mob boss,
a hockey player…
Would you consider your self an actor who writes or a writer who acts?
Gigeroff: Hmmm – in an existential way it depends what I’m doing at the
moment… but I’m more of a writer than an actor – I’m more of a performer
really…. All my best work is done without a script.
Did you start out as an actor?
Gigeroff: I wrote my first
(performed) play when I was 10…. (Ed. Note: Gigeroff’s first play was
written as a project for Cub Scouts (he thinks), it was then picked up as a
project for a youth group in
How old were you when you first realized you wanted to be an actor?
What made you decide to become an actor?
Gigeroff: These things aren’t
conscious decisions… (Ed. Note:
Gigeroff believes that people should figure out what they want to do and then go
do it. He thinks the most terrible thing in the world would be to wake up at
fifty wishing he had done or tried this or that. While of course no one can
totally avoid the “I could have, should have regrets”, he feels that your
best shot at achieving happiness is if you just keep going forward and try
different things.)
What did your family say when you told them you were going to be an
Gigeroff: I come from a very arts-oriented family.
My mother is a musician/composer/actor, my dad a painter, my brother does
everything - so we had a very
arts-oriented house. I never told
them I was going to be an actor… (Ed. Note: He laughed and said that his folks
were just glad to get him out of the house.)
What kinds of work did you do before becoming an actor?
Gigeroff: Naturally I was a waiter, but I also worked for several years at an
alternative radio station – and I’ve planted trees, and was an assistant
chef for a summer in a Born Again Christian Health Food Restaurant…
Did you have to do any strange odd jobs when you were starting out, so
that you could work around your auditions and performances?
Gigeroff: Acting is more of a lark for me, I’m afraid.
I’ve never studied it, and so have an unfortunate tendency to not take
it very seriously…
What would be your ideal part to act in?
Gigeroff: A Bond villain… (Ed. Note: Gigeroff gave me a brief idea of his EBVC
(Evil Bond Villain Character), If only
What would be your idea writing assignment?
Gigeroff: Trying to turn Sir Ernest Shackleton’s “South” into a musical…
(Ed. Note: Apparently Ernest Shackleton was a
nutter. He was a polar explorer/writer who survived being stranded for months in
the artic circle with his men. In this particular episode of lunacy, one of
several I am sorry to say, his ship was crushed by an pack ice, which meant an
800-mile open boat journey and then a twenty-mile hike through the mountains in
the freezing cold. Yep, you can see where this book has all the makings of a
good musical, It would definitely be much more interesting than, say….. South
Is there anyone in particular you would really like to work with? Why?
Gigeroff: Nicole Kidman – and decency forbids me from revealing the reasons…
her, and maybe Paul Anderson (Boogie Nights)
Do you have any hobbies?
Gigeroff: I take my recreational summer softball league pretty seriously… at
least the beer-drinking part… (Ed.
Note: Gigeroff mentioned several times how important it was to get the beer
drinking part of the sport ‘just right.’)
Where were you born?
Who is your agent
Gigeroff: None at present… (Ed. Note: Since he has been really busy on Lexx
the last few years, he said he really hasn’t needed one. And now, since jobs
are finding him, it is not something he is too worried about right now.
Where can people write to you at?
Gigeroff: Addy available upon request… (Ed.
Note: Gigeroff does not have an email set up for fans, but he did kindly allow
me to set up a forwarding/bounce email address for him at lexgigeroff@thefrey.com.
It will automatically forward any messages to his personal email account.
Do you have a website?
Gigeroff: No (Ed. Note: Gigeroff thinks that for what he would post on the site,
it would be like one of those annoying Christmas letters, I did this and this
and this...)
Do you want one?
Gigeroff: Hadn’t thought about it….
Do you know your name is still available as a .com?
Gigeroff: Which is precisely WHY the dotcom startup revolution failed…
(Ed. Note: Just as he believes some day all shows will be called Lex, he
also thinks that when they *finally* get it right on the internet, all sites
will be called Lex. Hummm lexthefrey.com? No… Sorry Mr. G., I think I’ll
Would you like to come to the States to work?
Gigeroff: Yeah – as long as I could come back to
What are your plans for the future?
Gigeroff: I hope to have a few more surprises in store …
What part did you play in the
Gigeroff: Naturally, I’d like to say I played a “large” part… I’m
still puzzling over that one…. (Ed. Note: Gigeroff professes himself to be as
puzzled by this one as the rest of us are. He pretty much dismisses
the notion that it is an other actor with the same name. Lex Gigeroff: being
an a odd kind of name, and for the moment is chalking it up to some kind of
clerical error, like the Michael Fitzgerald thing. I don’t know people, he
sounded sincere. He did however say that he would not rule it out in the future.
Since for him, soft porn is an untapped line of work, and possibly something he
will consider if his other projects don’t pan out. Hummm, he *did not* sound
sincere when he said that!)
What other projects are you working on now?
Gigeroff: I’m working on a play called “A Child’s Christmas in Yemen”
– I have a small writing gig I need to finish – and I have a couple of other
ideas rolling around in development at present
How did you hook up with Paul
Donovan and Jeff Hirschfield?
Gigeroff: PD through CKDU Radio – he had heard a sketch of mine on a comedy
show. We met in 1989, worked
together briefly on Buried on Sunday (91), and Life with Billy (92?).
Paul then came to see me in a one-man show I did in 93, and not long
after that he called me up about a “science-fiction” show he was thinking
of. Summer of 94 I met Jeff when he came to NS…
(Ed. Note: In 1989 Gigeroff was working at an alternate radio station (CKDU),
Donovan heard him and invited him out to lunch. He asked if Gigeroff wrote, and
when Gigeroff said no, he suggested that he think about it. They ran into each
other occasionally and one evening Donovan came to see a one act play that
Gigeroff wrote and stared in. He invited him out for a beer afterwards. Shortly
thereafter Donovan cast him in Paint Cans. After that film was completed,
Donovan wanted to talk to Gigeroff about a show he was thinking about. He showed
him the famous Brian Downey throwing bolts at hole in the floor clips and a few
pages of script for the court room scenes. While they were discussing it,
Gigeroff suggested a few things, like that the court judges should be holograms,
uncaring justice and all that. Donovan liked the idea and asked if he could get
the money, would Gigeroff like to help out on it? Well, as we all know, Donovan
was able to get his funding together, and he pulled Gigeroff and Mr. Hirschfield
together and they started hashing over script ideas.
He thought the killing the hero in the beginning of the movie was a
master stroke, and then just when you think you know who the replacement hero
is, we’ll kill him off and bring back the first guy, but, did we mention the
first guy is now dead and a servant of evil? Muwhahaha.)
Who was it that originally knew Mr. McManus?
Gigeroff: MM went to drama school in
How did McManus figure into the creation of Lexx? He has stated that the
part of Kai was sort of written for him. Was it? Did he contribute in any other
ways to the development of the story?
Gigeroff: Michael’s biggest contribution was that he completely inhabits the
character, and has some definite specific ideas about Kai’s whole being.
I remember him talking about Kai’s “walk” at one point (I think I
was trying to imitate it at a SchnappesKlapper), and he had all sorts of details
about it that made you realize how much work he had put into the part.
I think PD had McManus very much in mind for Kai.)
You have mentioned that Brigadoom, the episode you wrote with your
brother is your favorite episode but what is your second favorite episode.
Gigeroff: Oh god – I dunno – maybe Eating Pattern? (Ed. Note: Gigeroff has a
hard time re-watching the episodes, he is so close to them that he just can’t
see them without being critical. He is always noticing something that should
have been done differently or could have been done better.)
What is the funniest practical joke that anyone ever played on a Lexx
Gigeroff: There was a good one last year with John Standish (the actor who
played Dracula in Walpurgis Night)…
(Ed. Note: Last year during Walpurgis night
Standish became a bit annoyed at the major changes the script was under
going. He complained that “This
isn’t writing, it’s typing!” Since he had never met Gigeroff he was
unaware that he was on the set until some one said, ‘Oh, by the way have you
ever met Mr. Gigeroff, the writer?’ Standish was a bit a bit embarrassed as he
and Gigeroff were introduced. Later in the day, one of the crew mocked up a
bogus letter addressed to Standish, from the Writers Guild of Canada. The letter
was something to the effect that since he was such a venerated actor, and
currently in country, would it be possible for him to be the presenter of a
highly coveted and prestigious award, in a ceremony honoring Gigeroff. So of
course Standish felt really terrible now, not only did he say testy things about
the writing of the episode in front of the writer, but the writer was apparently
quite well respected ect…. They
did tell him it was a joke… eventually.)
When did you realize that Lexx had legs and was going to go onto
Gigeroff: Hmmm – I guess when we got picked up for the first time…
(Ed. Note: Being picked up for season two was a marvelous surprise to
Gigeroff since he always prepares for the worse. But then he continued, Lexx has
always pleasantly surprised me.
Were you ready for Lexx to end? Or would you have gone another season or
two if you could.
Gigeroff: I’m very happy we ended it where we did.
Pretty much on our own terms. In
theory we could have done another season, but we were also in danger of running
the thing into the ground methinks. I’m
delighted that the series ended when it did.
(Ed. Note: After all, Gigeroff observed, you can only write so many
scenes of Stan and Xev on the bridge. All in all, he was glad that Lexx ended on
their terms, rather than a network refusal to renew. No one questions that they
could have done another year, but the way it ends now makes a nice finish for
the story, and the characters. He can think of many shows that went on a bit too
long, so he is glad that this is not going to happen to Lexx.)
Since you were in it from the beginning, did you have any financial
interest in Lexx or
Gigeroff: I have no financial interest in
I have heard that Lexx may have a spin off with Mr. Downey, Ms. Zentilli
and Mr. Kanies. Have you heard how this is progressing?
Gigeroff: Haven’t heard, no. (Ed. Note: While anything is possible, he advises
us not to hold our breath.)
Any chance of you being involved in this?
Gigeroff: I would love to work with those actors again for sure.
(Ed. Note: He said there could be certain appealing aspects.)
We have heard that while the main story line set, the
characters and side story were constantly evolving. What part did you
have in that, and what changes took you by surprise?
Gigeroff: Hmmm… I think I played a fairly large part in the twists and turns
of the episodes over the years, although it’s kind of an enormous question.
The biggest challenges were on episodes where we had to radically
restructure the story at the last minute (i.e. Girltown because of
I understand that Lexx was a collaborative effort, but who is responsible
for the original story?
Gigeroff: PD is the absolute driving force behind Lexx.
The main characters and series arcs come from him – naturally with lots
of input from me and Jeff… Paul
had the bare bones of the original Dark Zone when I came aboard, but there was
lots of fleshing out to do… (Ed. Note: And some of the stuff came from in
jokes that spiraled out of control. They
spent a year writing it, with of course lots of changes on the way. Originally
Throdin didn’t die, then they killed him off and brought in Kai, ohhhh wait,
let’s make Kai dead! And names, were another thing that evolved and twisted.
The Lex was originally going to be called the
Has any one ever found out why Sci Fi has not really promoted Lexx the
way they do their other shows
Gigeroff: No idea – the guys at
Sci-Fi have always been super to me…
Who was you favorite character to write for?
Gigeroff: Probably Stan…
Who is your favorite Lexx actor to write for?
Gigeroff: Tough call – but it’d have to be Hirschfield – because he’s
such a bitch…
Can you give us any insight to the lack of Lexx merchandise Marketing?
Gigeroff: I’ve just never got the feeling that its something
Did you have any differences in what you could and couldn’t write once
Atlantis Alliance took over ownership of the show?
Gigeroff: Not at all. (Ed. Note:
Since Lexx production company had it’s own deals, AA never interested itself
in that part of the production. But interestingly, they never really had much of
a problems, even with the networks. In fact Citi-Tv said that they would
consider the program a success if they got lots of angry letters. Which Gigeroff
though was pretty cool.
Any plans on writing a Lexx book, now that production has slowed down?
Gigeroff: Gee I hadn’t thought of that. (Ed.
Note: Gigeroff doesn’t think this is anything he will be interested in soon,
but it is an intriguing idea.)
Insipida/Kim wants to know where they got the inspiration for season 4.
Gigeroff: Inspiration came directly out of a bottle of Napoleon Brandy and a
case of Bud… We knew we wanted to go to Earth….
What will you miss about Lexx?
Gigeroff: The people…
What are you definitely *not * going to miss about Lexx?
Gigeroff: Nothing I can think of…
Who’s idea was ‘The Game?’ and could you explain how it came about?
Gigeroff: I think the idea was hatched between PD and MM.
I can’t really explain how it came about.
You said in another interview that; We'd almost run out of Xev jokes (for
790), but no. This is an important step in the emotional development of the
robot head. It shows that he really is a robot head with deep passions. They may
be directed in alternative ways and alternative thinking…
Since we know how his murderous tendencies have steered this season,
Was that planed from the beginning? Or did it work you guys out of a
writers corner?
Gigeroff: I think I was trying to be a little facetious with that remark… it
just all kinda worked out with 790 in a cool way.
What was your favorite scene in Lexx?
Gigeroff: mmmm – hard to pick one for me… I loved the scene from Stan Down
where Prince takes Priest and the First Lady to
How much razing did you take during the search scene in fluff daddy? And
who was your chief tormenter?
Gigeroff: Bouldy wanted take after take after take after take…. No, it was a
hoot actually. (Ed. Note: they kind of came up with the cavity search on the
fly. And it did seem to him that Mr. Bould wanted to do several takes on it…..
but really, no one really razed him about it too much.)
How often did you stick stuff into a script just so you could hear one of
the actors groan and declare that they weren’t doing that! Name one thing that
you wrote in for that reason please.
Gigeroff: Can’t think of one… although we definitely put poor Brian through
his paces; seems like every week we had him hooked up to some painful-looking
contraption… (Ed. Note: According
to Gigeroff, Mr. Downey is the trooper of troopers. But it got to be so common
that every week
Gigeroff was a complete joy to talk to. He answered all my question, and even
insisted that we keep going when I tried to wind the interview up due to the
amount of time it was taking. He is
quite the entertaining story teller, which of course he would be, but I was
amazed at how he well he was able to draw compelling visuals while just chatting
on the fly.
me, one of the most interesting things he mentioned, was the brain storming
sessions that used to occur between him and Donovan.
Apparently, when they were stuck, or just needed to come up with a few
new story idea’s, they would pile into Donovan’s car and drive around for a
couple of hours. While he was
describing it, I had the most intense vision of these two leaving the city
behind, as they drove chatting through the Canadian country side. Not saying
much at first, but then eventually tossing the odd idea back and forth as the
colored leaves on the trees flash by. I could just see them discussing the
details as dusk rolled in and the car headed back towards town.
And you know what? Even though the sun is setting on Lexx, in a way it
isn’t sad. Trust me people, no matter what Mr. Gigeroff and the rest of the
Lexx crew turn their energies to next, it is going to be a glorious dawn.
Credited As: Michael Fitzgerald (Ed. Note: This is incorrect)
– filmography
and Death on
aka Amour et mort à
del Lundo, El (1996) (TV) .... Lundo
Cans (1994) .... Oliver
Girls (1993) (as Michael Fitzgerald) .... Drunk Boy
on Sunday (1992) .... Sil
aka Northern Extremes (1992)
- filmography
(1997) TV Series (writer)
aka "Lexx: The Dark Zone Stories" (1997) (
aka "Lexx: The Series" (1997)
aka "Tales from a Parallel Universe" (2000) (
The Dark Zone" (1997) (mini) TV Series
del Lundo, El (1996) (TV)
TV guest appearances
(1997) playing "Dr. Rainbow" in episode: "Tunnels" (episode
(Ed. Note: 3.7)
(1997) in episode: "Lafftrak" (episode (Ed. Note:
(1997) playing "Bound Man" in episode: "I Worship His
Shadow" (episode (Ed. Note: 1.1)
Some photos courtesy of Ayrton , remaining photos from thefrey.