first impression of Mr. Kanies was that he was an extremely well groomed,
serious gentleman with exquisite
bearing and manners. Well, as we all know first impressions can be deceiving; it
is not that he isnt all of the above, but lurking just below the surface of
this serious gentleman is an enchanting sense
of humor and a wonderfully sly wit. It is
a delight to watch the subtle expressions flash across his face, completely
changing the tone and meaning of his words.
<theFrey> How old were you when you first realized you wanted to be an actor?
<Rolf K> I was not quite four, when I decided to be an actor or a
puppet master. I can still remember when it happened: At the time we lived in a
town called
<theFrey> How did your family react when you said you were going to be an actor?
<Rolf K> In those early days they were amused by it. They supported
me in buying more and more of these puppets. My father built bigger and bigger
puppet theatres, until I had a huge theatre with lots of different lights and
special effects. By now we had moved
to a small village near
<theFrey> What kinds of work did you do before becoming an actor?
<Rolf K> I must say that I never did something else in my life. I
was either studying full time to become an actor or acting. I was fortunate that
my parents were generous in assisting me with my living expenses while I was
studying. Other students, whose parents couldnt help them, were subsidized by
the German government. After completing my studies I immediately went to a
theatre engagement and eventually built up my own theatre groups. It is perhaps
easier to work in live theater in
<theFrey> What is the one thing that you think contributed to your success as an actor?
<Rolf K> Work, work, work and learning, I have never looked at myself as an artist. I am a craftsmen, who is trying to do a good job in giving breath to those words and feelings, which were written by the authors, showing the mechanisms between people, their relation to society and vice versa. And never, since I was young, have I looked out for my so called career. My only aim was that at the end of the road, that I would be able to say that I had tried hard to be a good actor; not more, not less.
<theFrey> While you originally preferred Stage work, what made you decide to go in to film?
<Rolf K> When my colleagues and I studied acting in 1978, we were of course, influenced by the thoughts of the 68 generation. And because Germany is a country with that huge and long theatre tradition, it was quite clear to all of us that the only real actors were theatre actors. Until 1982 it was absolutely impossible to think about doing television; we regarded it as absolutely stupid entertainment. Which it still is for me nowadays in most of the cases. Cinema was another question, there were some artists in cinema in Germany in those days but not many. Maybe we thought, thats something for later....
<theFrey> Which do you now prefer? Why?
<Rolf K> Times have changed. I do not think anymore that I can change the world by bringing to life the ideas and thoughts of the people on a theatre stage. Sometimes I can make people laugh or cry about the issues that beset our world, and maybe I can make them happy, for awhile but thats it. So, about five years ago in 1997, I started to think about doing something new. And besides, even in Germany it was not longer a sin to work in television. So I thought I would do some work in television and cinema as a change. But once a year I have to work in a theatre to get my brain going again! Those two areas of work are totally different. I cant say which I like most, but I can say that acting on LEXX in the fourth season was wonderful. I enjoyed the political and social satire pertaining to our western civilization and I really loved the wonderful subversive touch. A few examples were particularly amusing and more like what you normally only find in live theater, or a really good film. For example;
Stan Down - The extraordinary childish moronic President,
who wants to be the worst and most powerful man in the entire universe, but he
is only the most stupid one. He is tortured by his mom-wife, the First Lady,
who behaves like Lady Macbeth. Together they are responsible for blowing
up Orlando, and then disguise it as an act of terrorism to cover their own mistake.
Xevivour - Television-real-life-freaks get a real smack on the face.
Prime Ridge The wish to live behind Walt-Disney-Walls - in total security which changes into a terrible nightmare.
<theFrey> Is there anyone in particular you would really like to work with?
<Rolf K> Yes, lots! Woody Allen, Scorcese, Spike Lee, the Italian brothers Damiani, Wim Wenders, some wonderful Turkish German directors and a lot, lot more......
<theFrey> Have you have been on lots of location shots?
<Rolf K> Yes, I have been on a lot of location shots. Mainly in
though and of course in
<theFrey> Which location shot has been your favorite and why?
<Rolf K> I have been together with a lot of extraordinary people on nice location shots, but I must really say, that I loved being together with the Lexx crew in Thailand, because everything was just perfect.
<theFrey> What is your favorite film part that hasn't been Lexx related?
<Rolf K> In 2000 I did a lead in a comedy film called Mr. Boogie where I played Harry, a really dumb husband. I had great colleagues and I enjoyed the work very much, unfortunately this film didnt get released until recently for many reasons...
<theFrey> What has been your favorite stage part?
<Rolf K> I dont know how many stage parts I have played, surely more than 150, and I loved a lot of them, but I think Macbeth, I do think was the most extreme and, at the same time, funny part that I have played.
<theFrey> Do you have any hobbies?
<theFrey> How do you pursue your hobbies when you are working?
<Rolf K> No hobbies besides work. When I work, I do nothing else.
<theFrey> Where were you born?
<Rolf K> In Bielefeld, which is 100 km south to Hannover, quite in the north of Germany .
<theFrey> Where can people email you at?
<Rolf K>
<theFrey> Who is your agent?
<Rolf K> My agent is Volker
Stoerzel in Bochum (Ed. Note: Agency is
now Goldschmidt Renate Landkammer )
<theFrey> What address can people use to send a regular letter or package?
<Rolf K> Rolf Kanies C/O Agency Volker Stoerzel, Koenigsallee 140,
44789 Bochum,
(Ed. Note: Address is now Rolf Kanies C/o Goldschmidt Renate Landkammer, Damaschkestr.
33, 10711 Berlin 030-3236294 Germany )
<theFrey> Have you ever filmed or acted in the United States?
<Rolf K> No.
<theFrey> If not, have you ever visited the
<Rolf K> Yes, I visited the
<theFrey> Would you want to come to the States to work?
<Rolf K> I would definitely say yes, because I do like American films in general much better than German ones!
<theFrey> Have you ever considered getting a US agent?
<Rolf K> No, I have no idea how to do that and there are so many good actors in America....may be later.....
<theFrey> What did you think when you first started working on Lexx?
<Rolf K> From the very first moment, when I started working with Christopher Schrewe on The Battle I loved the show. Loved the very, very good and nice crew and I must admit the producers as well. I loved working with the actors and I liked Halifax, so I was really happy.
<theFrey> Did anything interesting happen while you where in Thailand on the Lexx location shot?
<Rolf K> Uh, so many things , which were interesting.... For example : Ms. Zentilli, Ms. Dubin and I went , on a free day, through the streets of Kanchanaburi. This is the main village in this area, close to where we were shooting by the river Kwae. The ladies wanted to go for a ride on really old fashioned bicycle-rickshaw. The rickshaw drivers were extremely old men, I suppose each of them above 90 years old, and we were really worried about it being too hard on them to carry us. Since they couldnt speak English a nearby woman helped us find out the price, which was not much money for us but a lot for them. And in the end we went on a tour through those old streets on those bicycles down to the riverside and it was just great fun. Thailand really was wonderful, the people are so kind and their hospitality is incredible.
<theFrey> Were you surprised to be called back to work on season 4 of Lexx?
<Rolf K> Yes, that really was a surprise, when Paul Donovan asked me
if I was interested in playing Priest again, but this time as the President of
the United States. I loved the idea! And without even thinking I said yes. When I saw the first
four scripts of season four I couldnt believe how funny they were, yet at the
same time - how real the satire was. It was too funny thinking about how Priest
(Our Vietnam War Hero) was becoming the new President because the elections were
manipulated. I enjoyed the absurdity of his acceptance speech: I do solemnly
swear.... which ended with his
final words help me dog. And then the whole story
in Stan Down with this President, who had no idea about ruling
America, who didnt know what Newfoundland is like or how to pronounce it; who
didnt know where Florida is on a map (right there on that land bit that
sticks out...); forced to do things like a marionette by his two bosses, Prince
the head of ATF (the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms) and his wife, the
First Lady and his whole behavior concerning his own mistake (blowing up Orlando), I was fully convinced that this story is a real hook in modern political
Of course, I never intended to make a caricature of any American President, though there are lots of comparable moments. I only intended to stick in my mind the former Priest character from The Battle as a leader who wants to rule the whole universe with out being under the thumb of Prince. Unfortunately Priest has absolutely no idea how to run a country especially where bigger interests, usually money and power, are behind the deals of our leaders of the world.
<theFrey> Did you expect the part of Priest to be a big as it was in season 4?
<Rolf K> No, I dont think nobody expected this part to be as big as it became. But the more Ms. Zentilli and I went on playing, the more they liked this mad couple. President Priest and his Bunny just want to have sex and fun like the other main characters, which on Lexx. is always difficult as we all know.....
<theFrey> Does President Priest get to keep his Bunny?
<Rolf K> Thats a secret; sorry......
<theFrey> Will you miss Lexx?
<Rolf K> My time in Halifax
<theFrey> Do you plan to stay in
<Rolf K> After I finished the Lexx season in
<theFrey> What did you think of UnCon 2001 and the fans?
<Rolf K> I really loved them, everybody was so interested, nice, polite and in such a good mood that I really appreciated all the days!!!!
<theFrey> Was Pat Zentilli as much fun to work with, as it appeared onscreen?
<Rolf K> To work with Ms. Zentilli is a gift that you get as an actor! She is always highly professional, friendly, concentrated, prepared, helpful, polite and she has such a wonderful influence on everybody on the set, that the atmosphere is just terrific. And even nicer, we became friends.
<theFrey> Who was your favorite actor to work with on Lexx? (If it is Pat, besides her.)
<Rolf K> Besides Patricia I have to say, that I liked to work with everybody! Really its true. Of course most of the scenes I had were with Mr. Bennett, who is a brilliant partner. But Mr. Downey is a extraordinary actor as well and always helpful and a truly polite colleague! I didnt have many scenes with Mr. McManus, but we had hundreds of discussions about filming and theatre in our favorite second home in Halifax, The Shoe Shop, and we got to know each other quite well. I didnt have had that many scenes with Ms. Seeberg either, and since her second home was not The Shoe Shop, we saw each other mostly only in the hallway of the studio. And all the guest stars, like Janet Wright, Steven McHatty and Ellen Dubin were wonderful as well!
<theFrey> I understand that you have finally gotten to watch some of season 4, which is your favorite so far and why?
<Rolf K> Yes, I have seen several, but to compare them is really difficult because they are all so different in style as well as in subject. I liked each of them in different ways.
<theFrey> Can you confirm rumors of the Lexx spin off yet?
<Rolf K> No I havent heard more than rumors either......
<theFrey> Would you be interested in such a series?
<Rolf K> Surely , I would be very much interested in doing a spin off.
<theFrey> If so will you be in it?
<Rolf K> I really hope so, because it was an absolute pleasure to work on it !!
<theFrey> What about Pat and Brian? Will they be involved?
<Rolf K> If it happens, (that there will be a spin-off) I am quite sure that theyll be involved.
<theFrey> Who will be writing/producing the spin off?
<Rolf K> No idea......
<theFrey> If there's no spin-off what do you plan on doing next?
<Rolf K> I must admit, that I am quite happy that I have no plans at
the moment, I am preparing a musical called The Winter Journey by Schubert
and mainly enjoying my holiday. Ill do it with an actors voice to show, that
as well ordinary and young people, who do not like Opera will like them.
<theFrey> What was it like to play Hitler?
<Rolf K> It has been very exciting to play Hitler, especially as you can imagine since I am German. To play such an incredible figure in history is a real challenge and very, very exhausting. I was so nervous, but the director and the other colleagues were very kind and helpful.
<theFrey> You have been in some musicals, what kind of material do you prefer?
<Rolf K> I cant say, that I prefer a certain material, because I just love to sing. But, for three years now, I have been working on The Winter Journey by Franz Schubert; I want to sing it as well as play the piano in it and want to bring it out at the end of this year. Which will be a tremendous lot of work, as you can imagine.
<theFrey> Have you ever performed anywhere as a singer?
<Rolf K> Yes, all together I performed in four musicals. Three times with a main part. And I sang at theatre shows songs of Brecht, Marlene Dietrich, Zarah Leander etc.
<theFrey> Have you ever done any commercials? If so for what products?
<Rolf K> No, never. And I hope it will be so for the future, that I do not have to do commercials because I need the money.
<theFrey> What do you like to do when you are not acting?
<Rolf K> When I have time for myself, I like to read literature mostly from the last four centuries or listen to classical music from Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Schubert, Schumann or Brahms. I also like to play the piano.
<theFrey> Do you have a web site?
<Rolf K> I can tell you, that just last week I registered I had really never thought about it until I found out that my name was still available on the internet. I hope to have a small informational website posted there in the near future.
Films Actor
Nichts bereuen (2001) .... Daniels Vater
Wilsberg und der Mord ohne Leiche (2001) (TV) .... Herbert Schering
Mister Boogie (2000)
Mrder in dir, Der (2000) (TV) .... Herr Kowalsky
Todesfahrt der MS SeaStar, Die (1999) (TV)
Julia - Kmpfe fr deine Trume! (1998) (TV) ....
Dr. Erwin Grbert
"Lexx" (1997) playing "Reggie J.
Priest" in "Bad Carrot" (episode # 4.12)
"Lexx" (1997) playing "Reggie J.
Priest" in "Rock, The" (episode # 4.6)
"Lexx" (1997) playing "Reggie J.
Priest" in "Stan Down" (episode # 4.4)
"Lexx" (1997) playing "Reggie J.
Priest" in "Texx Lexx" (episode # 4.2)
"Lexx" (1997) playing "Reggie J.
Priest" in "Little Blue Planet" (episode # 4.1)
"Kstenwache" (1997) playing "Reeder
Ludolf" in "Tdlicher Schmuggel"
"St. Angela" (1997) playing "Hiawatha"
in "Wer mit dem Br tanzt"
"Lexx" (1997) playing "Priest" in
"SK Klsch" (1999) in episode: "Tod auf
dem Rhein" (episode # 1.9)