Dragon Con
Yakkie Jackie was our good angel for Raffle # 2
Also special thanks to our repeat supporters - iStan, Raven495, Jhevz, Renne S. and H Muller, and of course all the other Lexxians who chipped in to assist! Yeah us!
e to the raffle page for retire the debt of the Lexx
Lexx Raffle Part Ducklings won by Raven495
Lexx Gear - Donated by theFrey (US) Did you miss your chance to get any cool Lexx Gear when it was available for Dragon Con? Well it isn't available anywhere else but here! I "HEART" his Divine Shadow Boxer shorts (XL), Lexx Ornament, DragonCon 2003 - "Kill a Trekkie" t-shirt (XL), "Kai spots a Klingon" - t-shirt (XL), "What's not to Love" t-shirt, and a "Whats not to Love" Coffee Mug.
Main Raffle Part Drake - Won by Yakkie Jackie
Genuine Kai Poster from Salter Street - Donated by theFrey (US) and Dragon Fly Magnets, broach, keychain and notepad - Donated by Jane (UK) This is only the display poster, the one being offered has never been displayed. As you know, these posters are no longer available for sale, and this is my LAST ONE!!! I am not even holding back one for myself. (God what a dedicated person I am). This may be your last chance to own a genuine one. Size - approx 30" x 24" The dragonfly collection are all hand stitched or in the case of the broach, hand beaded. The quarter is for scale but does not come with the prize. Small note is 3" x 2" :D
Kailing - Stuffed Doll - Donated by theFrey - 9" Cotton stuffed Kailing with yarn forelock and braid end. Not intended for small children or excessive drooling.
Autographed pictures of Ms. W and Ms. Z - Donated by Lloyd Lowe Both pictures are 8 x 10 and come in a protective plastic sleeve.
Autographed Picture and CD - Donated by theFrey - Picture is approximately 4" x 6" Both are autographed.
A copy of the Boomtown Story boards - Donated by theFrey - Episode 3.04 all plotted out in cute little drawings for your entertainment!
Genuine Lexx Xev Blanket Prop - donated by theFrey (US) This blanket was purchased from Figdress of ebay fame for this raffle and comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by momma bear herself! The blanket is a gauzy length of material and is a pinkish color.
Signed Picture of Rolf 'President Priest' Kanies - Donated by Rolf Kanies (Germany), Lexx Dynamic Forces Trading Cards - Donated by Logan55 (US) and Lexx Dynamic Forces Michael McManus Signature Trading Card - Donated by theFrey (US) Signed picture (which has different note on it than on shown says "Oooops! Sorry, I can't help myself" and then shows a small drawn cloud of flatulence. (the signature is on the desk and did not show up for this picture but says Reginald J. Priest and is initialed RK Berlin June 2002) Size - 4" x 6". Complete starter set of the 72 basic Dynamic Forces Lexx cards in protective card pocket covers. Unsigned McManus signature card that was not distributed. IMPORTANT it has NO signature!!! Dynamic Forces was unable to get them signed by the star which is why they were not distributed. However, if ever you ran into Michael McManus and got a signature for it, This card would be quite the special item. (sorry about the pic, my camera sucks at close-ups) Now this could be an interesting thing.... since the man himself apparently has surfaced from the abyss and is going to sell autographs. :D Might be nice to have, just in case. :D
Xenia Raffle Part Duck - Won by iStan
Autographed Poster of Xenia Seeberg and Autographed Picture of Xenia Seeberg on Plaque with brass name plate approximately 11.5" x 15.5" - Donated by Lowe Lloyd (US)
Autographed trading card of Xenia Seeberg on Plaque with brass name plate approximately 4.5" x 6" and Lexx Trading Card Binder with set of 72 starter cards in plastic sleeves - Donated by Lowe Lloyd (US)
Well that is the lot of them. Want to ask a question? Make a comment? Arrange to donate something for a future raffle? Please email me. otherwise.... read below for instruction on how to send in your donation and how a winner will be selected.
When the tickets are all sold, I will announce a time and a place for interested parties to meet in #sadgeezer on fef.net. For every ticket purchased I will list that nick (one ticket one listing, five tickets five listings ect.. ) I will put the numbered nicks on an unmarked web site and ask a random chatter in #sadgeezer to pick three numbers from 1 to 250. I will then identify the url of the unmarked page and all the chatters in #sadgeezer at that time will see which names corresponds with the chosen number.
Necessary Info - Don't forget to include the following. Real Name, Nick Name, an email address in case you win and I need to get a mailing address or I have a question.
You can also send a check to me, for the
amount in USD to
Michealle Frey
1220 Stinnett Place, Desoto Texas 75115
Check users!!!! If for some reason your check does not clear before all
the raffle ends (unlikely, but ya never know) , your funds will be sent back to you.
Lexx UScon fan page, which is not sanctioned or associated
in anyway with Salter Street Films, Paul Donovan, Jeffrey Hirschfield,
Lex Gigeroff, Michael McManus or any other company or person
associated with the creation of LEXX.
All Copyrights and profits remain
with their legal owners.