People, Welcome to
Hanging with TheFrey
Lexx Cast Info
This is a list of the Cast and Crew Info I have to date. If you have and address or link that I am missing, or find one that is outdated please email me.
If you are requesting a reply or autograph, please remember to add a self addressed envelope with your request. Also the return envelope should have the proper type of stamp on it for the country you are sending it to. So, if you don't live in that country, you will need to use an international answer coupon. You can pick one up at your local post office. Also if you are sending a package, make sure to mark it very clearly as a gift, so it doesn't get balled up in that duty payment thingy.
Patricia Zentilli
Official/Semi-Official Web Site - http://patriciazentilli.com/
Snail Mail - Patricia Zentilli
C/O Paul Simmons Management,
174 Bedford Road
Lower Level,
email - PatriciaZentilli@aol.com
Interview - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/pat-z-01.htm
Chat - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/pat-z-02.htm
Rolf Kanies
Official Web Site - http://www.rolfkanies.com
Rolf Kanies C/o Goldschmidt
Renate Landkammer
Damaschkestr. 33
10711 Berlin
email - rolfkanies@hotmail.com
Interview - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/rolf-1.htm
Chat - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/rolf-2.htm
Lex Gigeroff
Official/Semi-Official Web Site - http://theobgcommunique.blog.ca/main/
Snail mail - Addy available upon request…
Email - lexgigeroff@thefrey.com
Interview - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/gigeroff-01.htm
Chat - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/gigeroff-02.htm
Notes: Gigeroff does not have an email set up for fans, but he did kindly allow me to set up a forwarding/bounce email address for him at . It will automatically forward any messages to his personal email account.
New - Jeff Hirshfield - New
Official/Semi-Official Web Site - None
Snail mail - Jeff
c/o The Alpern Group
15645 Royal Oak Road
Encino, CA, USA
Interview - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/
Chris Bould
Official/Semi-Official Web Site - None
Snail mail - Chris Bould
54 Bickerton Road,
N19 5JS,
United Kingdom
Email - cbould@hotmail.com
Interview - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/bould-01.htm
Chat - None Yet sadly
Ellen Dubin
Official Web Site - http://www.scifisuzi.com/ellendubin
Email - giggerota100@aol.com
Yahoo Group <--NEW!!!!
Snail mail - ELLEN
c/o Newton Landry Management
19 Isabella Street
Toronto, Ontario,
M4Y 1M7
VidCaps of Ms. Dubin in 'Wildfire 7, the Inferno'
Interview - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/ellen1.htm
Chat - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/ellen2.htm
Official Web Site - http://www.LouiseWischermann.com
Email - lyekka02@hotmail.com
Interview - None yet sadly
Chat - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/pat-z-02.htm
Note: this chat link is when Ms. W. popped in during Ms. Zentilli's chat
Eva Habermann
Official Web Site - http://www.eva-habermann.de
Email - info@eva-habermann.de
Interview - None yet sadly
Chat - None yet Sadly
Xenia Seeburg
Official Web Site - http://xeniaseeberg.biz/home/
Email - xeniaseeberg@xeniaseeberg.biz
Interview - None yet sadly
Chat - None Yet sadly
Brian Downey
Official/Semi-Official Web Site - http://www.briandowney.biz
Snail Mail - Brian Downey
PO BOX 46035
B3K 5V8
email - thaidowney@hotmail.com
Interview - None yet sadly
Chat - http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/brian-01.htm
The LEXX names, characters and
everything else associated with
the series are the property of SALTER ST FILMS &
TiMe Film-und TV-Produktions GmbH in association with
Screen Partners and the SciFi Channel. All rights
Originally posted June 8, 2002