What's New in the USA?
DragonCon 2006
Updated! - Lexxians again this year have a fan table in the main lobby. There will be a Lexx Panel on Friday at 10:00 p.m. and a meet up at the American Sci-Fi Media track's Saturday night party. Their track info is listed in the DragonCon pocket program as SFTV. There will be a raffle of four (one for each season) Lexx Books. (Details can be found here) :D We will also try to have some Security Guard Class 4 badges again this year, so if you are planning to attend you need to send your name and the name you want on your badge by clicking HERE.
No Bunny in DC! - Patricia Zentilli wanted to come to DC 2006. Sadly for us, she has to work during DragonCon. Good for her, bad for us. When she bowed out, Ms. Dubin had also expressed an interest, but was unable to attend. So no Lexx Cast at DC this year. :( However we do want to thank the people who along with the Valdron book sales Tried to make it happen.
Friends of Bunny
Lexx Season Three Book Finished
Lexx Season Two Book Finished
“Lexx, The End of the Universe – Volume 2” written by Dennis Valdron has been completed.
Like the season one book, this is also a private printing and not available for sale, it is in a trade paperback soft cover format.
The Lexx Fan Club is of course honored that we can be part of this and we hope that someday when (if) all four books are completed that perhaps we can convince Valdron to release them. This is a decision that he will not be able to make lightly since it might affect any future release of the book if someday Lexx pulls a Star Trek and becomes a huge cult hit. We will again be selling one copy to donate to the Lexx Future Activity Fund. The first book netted over $100.00! Cool beans. :D It will again be placed on ebay. That way any one who is interested will have an opportunity to bid on it and not just the fans on the boards. As far as I know, there are currently no plans at this time to make this book available for public sale. Ebay link will announced at http://www.sadgeezer.com when it is placed up for sale.
Long awaited Lexx Book Début
The long awaited “Lexx, Welcome to the Dark Zone – Volume 1” written by Dennis Valdron was a high light of the Lexx presence at Dragon Con 2004.
Yes, volume one of the Lexx Episode Guides was making its first public appearance. As you may recall, last year Dennis Valdron presented Brian Downey with two hand bound volumes that contained all four seasons at a private party in Atlanta. While the one we presented was also a private printing and not available for sale, it was in a trade paperback soft cover format.
The Lexx Fan Club was of course honored to be allowed to unveil Valdron’s book. Permission was granted to sell this copy as long as the funds went to a good cause. What better cause than promoting Lexx activities? Especially those that benefit all at some future convention? But to be fair; it was held unsold and will be placed on ebay. That way any one who is interested will have an opportunity to bid on it and not just the fans that made it to DC. As far as I know, there are currently no plans at this time to make this book available for public sale. Ebay link will announced at http://www.sadgeezer.com when it is placed up for sale.
Front Cover
Back Cover
Lexx DragonCon Gear
Lexx DragonCon Gear - is available for a LIMITED time! Many thanks to Lubka for the designs!!
Lexx DragonCon 2004 Panel
Sunday - 10:00 P.M. Lexx: A Retrospective (9-05-2004)
Or how does a show about a dirty old man lusting after some babe who could care less, who lusts after a dead guy who could care less, inspire such devotion?
Panelists: Kelly Harkins, Patrick Cranford, Michealle Frey, Aleck Bennett of Acorn Media.
Please note the date changed to Sunday! Which is annoying in a way, but totally works in another.... Party in the downstairs bar of the Hyatt becomes a bit easier without having to leave and go to a panel. And Saturday is prime costume night there!Convention Forum at http://www.sadgeezer.com in the convention forum area.
Feb 20, 2004 - We have a fan table at Dragon*Con 2004. Once again the table will be in the lobby of the Marriott Marquise.
There is presently NO cast involvement in DragonCon 2004, nor has there been any indication that there is even a remote chance that there might be. So we be on our own this year people.
Bummer, yes. But such is life until they get a new convention manager.
But one fun thing for this year is the Lexx Fan Club USA will host a tribute to Sadgeezer.com at DC2004. Sad's Cult Tv site has been an enormous resource for the entire Lexx community for years, and we are proud to assist them in their DragonCon debut... and who knows, perhaps we can talk Tony and New Kate to attend.
Interviews of the Cast
Jan 14, 2004 - To keep you from being too bored, here are a few exclusive Lexx Fan Club interviews by Pat Zentilli and Jeff Herishfield and Brian Downey, many thanks to our Russian Fan Club members for their questions.
Background Info 2003
There you were, one minute minding your own business, and the next minute there was a Lexx Fan Club USA.
Why? Well, with the cast moving around so much in the States, a support group was needed to help with the conventions and all things Lexx in the land of Lincoln. Understandably, very few organizations want to talk with, let alone deal with stray fans.... but if you are from the official fan club.... well that is another story. So Mr. Donovan and Mr. Downey were approached with the idea, and it found favor with them. Then as the defacto leader of our happy little fan club band, Cat of UK was consulted, and again the news was good. So here we all are.
Lexx Fan Club USA will assist on Lexx related activities in the United States. Our first official act was to raise money to nail down the exhibition booth for the Lexx cast at Dragon Con2003.
The news for Dragon Con 2003 was good, the booths were rented, and the cast received invites. Although as of Feb or 2004 we are still shy about 500.00, so we have to finish paying for them before we can kick off any 2004 ideas. :) (you can help there by going to http://www.thefrey.com/raffle.htm ) While this was no near the amount of money it required to move the cast to Atlanta for 4/5 days, it did help.
Sadgeezer.com Lexx Convention forum is where most of our info will be posted on a day to day basis and where we chat and diss on any convention related stuff.
Read about the Lexx UScon Recon Mission to Dragon Con 2002
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