Kai's Komic Kaptions 52
Speaking Parts Sadgeezer Addition
swear, I just wish I could land a part where the hair dressers paid attention to
me once in a while. - theFrey
She's in the back with Michael. 'PAN CAMERA OUT' - LexxLurker
Oh.. yes, just a little faster! More to the left.. umm... yes, oh yes that is
hitting the spot baby! ( MM says to himself as he scratches his back against the
door frame ) - TweedleGurl790
Gawd, please let that 'Finally! Some news about McManus!' thread stay lost from the revamped Lexx.com board! - Trini_T
MM breathes a frustrated sigh: Must I always be
surrounded by idiots who don't understand my.....my.......ARTISTIC
VISION!!!!!! I'm a professional dammit, what a freaking role,
next I'll be a waiter in a restaurant; or even worse wearing some gawd-awful
wig. I need a role that defines me.... that leads me to explore the inner
me..... I need a cigarette. - mandara k
Michael plays hide and go seek with the hairdressers on the set of Speaking
Parts. He obviously never finds them. - streudel
Aaaaaah Bisto!" - nursewhen
When I grow up I want to be just like Fabio - Logan
"How do
you spell relief?" - Logan
drool while I dribble. Ahhh..." - Logan
A distraught MM recovers after his failed broadway audition. It truly was a bad Hair day. - Logan
MM: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful... - purple_unicorn
Crisis at Mr. Chows: I cannot BELIEVE the awful table that she is offering me!
And what was that snide remark about a shirt looking like it came from Old
Navy!? It's Dolce en Gabana and she knows it. - lizard
do a lighting check until SOMEONE checks my cover up and runs a comb through my
hair! I look afright!!! - LBLEXX
Thank gawd for Rogaine - Logan
Behold the
human mop! - Logan
Ahhhh, season 4 is ~finally~ over. I can start my band. With hair like mine, I must have a band. - Lois_Lane
*** Many thanks to Lubka for allowing me to snerch her great
pics for this page. ***
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