Kai's Komic Kaptions 50
Kai is just
not sure if he is a 'Modern Colonial' kinda dead guy. - theFrey
Kai reading: Three bedroom, two bath, master bath with walk jetted in tub with massager attachment (for the weary love slave), large basement, two car garage, mother in law suit, fully equipped kitchen with all the extras, nice neighborhood, free lifetime NRA membership, and life time membership to love dolls of the month club (for the sex starved security guard class 4 who never gets any). Cryopod not included. Damn, can't a dead man catch a break. -Toad Lady
Kai couldn't understand why the other children would never let him join in their hopscotch games. - Nursewhen
Kai: Let’s play I kill you in the name of His Shadow! Why are you running away? - Logan
Kai: (Reading sign) What does it mean, "Curb Your Assassin?" - SassyAssassin
What's a matter? You act like
you've never seen anyone sleep in a freezer before... sheeesh. - theFrey
Kai-in-a-box… /Check this out… You wind this thing up, and boing, a Divine Assassin pops out!' - Logan
The dead do
love their suntan machines. - Logan
I said freeze, suckah! Oh, erm, I see you're already frozen. - Logan
Kai: The dead do not care if the light stays on when you close the door. - Toad Lady
Kai: Yeah, so, what if I AM standing in the mint chocolate ice cream? Wanna make something of it? - Sassy Assassin
dead, do not make room for three - Lois_Lane
There are no more freezie pops. But I have some chocolate ripple and two orange
sorbet bars. - KarubaLuna
dead do not chill. - FFX
anyone ? - ilyekkakai
the matter? All I wanted to do was keep my meat stiff -
There is a party in my freezer , but you're not invited.. - ilyekkakai
Man when I said chill out I meant....Oh never mind....- Quosh
Whoa, what does it feel like man? Kai:
The dead do not feel, but strangely I am am bit chilled - kog
Michael refuses to
be distracted by the goodie basket that Paul has sent... He wants a closer look
at the receiving receipt that needs signed. - theFrey
Xev: Hey! You said that I could be Little Red Riding Hood! -Sassy Assassin
The dead do not understand the term 'C.O.D'.- LexxLurker
Look Xev..
all the big thick long sausages you could ever want! -
unfamiliar with Earthly cuisine, mistakes a sausage for a Lexx-like protein
dispensing organ... -
I'm hungry, Stan. Stan: Well
I keep on stroking it, but nothing comes out. Kai, you have a go. Kai:
The dead do not squeeze and please. -
each is thinking..* Kai:
..hmm..I hope there is proto blood in there somewhere. The dead does not put his
john hancock for nothing.. Xev:..
hmm..some of these longer pieces look familiar.. Stan:
..I hope those longer pieces are not what I think they are.. Realtor
Lady: ..just take the friggin basket and lemme go already.. - ilyekkakai
It’s a food hamper from Pa Golean......aawww ain’t that nice of him - Quosh
the 'dead do nots', come hither baby!! - theFrey
The dead do not "Work it baby." - Meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Heheheh....I told you I could drink 'em all under the table. The Dead do not lose chug-a-lug contests. - Streudel
Kai singing: I'm to sexy for my brace, to sexy for my brace.... - Toad Lady
Kai: hmm? drunk? I'm sooooooooo not drunk man! I'm just catching the rays see?! - Griever
Knowing the brace is out of commission, Kai attempts to muster up A POUT!! - PeridotEyes
Look, I already told you where I got my brace
stuck. Now stop laughing, and get over here and help me! - Sassy Assassin:: Kai
looks into the camera as he poses for the upcoming 2005 Hot Assassins of The
Dark Zone calendar ::
Photographer: Com'on Kai, work it baby! Show us that hot pout.. Your
feeling oh so sexy after a few fresh kills via brace. Kai:
The dead do not work it baby. The dead do not feel sexy.
Photographer: Whatever you say love.. Just make 'em drool for ya
Kai: The dead.... - Dee
Awww ...do I have to come in.. now?!? Me and my lil friends were'nt done playing yet...*pouts* - ilyekkakai
Hmm, I thought that only kittens died when I did that. - PinheadI
Must stop using my brace to cut the grass, I keep killing all my neighbors. - Quosh
dead do stop and smell the pansies.
- iStan:
I really shouldn't have eaten those bean burritos.
- iStan
Waking up on a stranger's front lawn... always the sign of a BIG night out... _ Dennis Moore
*Guy passes out on the lawn behind Kai* Kai: Sorry. The dead do not process food to well. - Dennis Moore
Kai in grumpy old man voice: I told you dadburned kids ta git off'n my lawn or there'd be trouble! - Strudel
The dead
should not have smoked that bong - Kog
Xev takes this opportunity to cop
a quick feel on the dead ones hiney- theFrey
Stan and Xev try a few local traditions after viewing the film "Deliverance - Lexx Lurker
The Deadman still has the best booty in the Two Universes! - PeridotEyes
Xev practices for her new job as a Dominatrix, but it's apparent that she needs a little work. - Sassy Assassin
Xev: Dude! No! Don't puke in here, it's my Dad's car!! - ottokell
Kai you can decompose all you want in the back seat but we have to leave now. - Lois_Lane
Stan: Well, what did you expect, Kai? With a 'do like that, of course it's going to get caught in the seatbelt. - iStan
Nooooo! Don't vomit in the
car! - Dennis MooreStan: C'mon Kai, even the Lexx is cheaper to drive than a 72
Cadillac. At $2.10/gallon, we have to sacrifice some head room for fuel economy.
What about that 87 Dodge Shadow the salesperson showed us before you killed him?
- Streduel
Xev: Kai, I know it's customary on this planet for a person of your age
to retire, buy a Cadillac, and move to Florida, but we still need you. Now put
your teeth back in, pull your pants down from around your ears, and drop the
Driving Miss Daisy routine....- Streduel
Xev: Oh NO you don't! - I wanna drive!! - XS4Xevr
Stan: Kai I know you had one to many drinks but come on work with me here - Kog
Kai: OK I know there is a sale on at the Quick E Mart but there is no need to shove.- Quosh
After another late night binder, Xenia and Brian pick Michael off the lawn. Brian: Damn Michael, cant you make it through one episode with out being hung over. Xenia: If he pukes in my car again, I'm sending him the cleaning bill and were using your car next time. - Toad Lady
Last edited 07/23/2005