Kai's Komic Kaptions 33
"Hey Michael look! The UsCon
Lexx Vegas people are here!" - theFrey
"Stan knows what number he's gonna play!" - connyveidt
"Kai is not impressed by Stan's Jack Nicholson impression." - DalekTek790
"Stan: Come'on you saw how the bobble head was looking at you. One little smack come on, you know you want to." - LexxLurker
"After a smack noise from the back seat. Kai: Do not make me stop the car and discipline you two." - GotHope
"The Dead are not 'high rollers'." - StormBorn
"Stan to Kai: Ripped off, no sex, nearly whacked, chased by a crazy mummy those day-glo girls called the Tooth Fairy... *this* was your idea of a good time!?" - Jade
"Stan: Finally, a place on Earth I like! Kai: I smell mummy. Stan: Girls! Fun! Good times! Kai: Do you smell mummy, Stan? Stan: Yessir, I think this could be the place. Kai thinking: I'm sure I smell mummy.. " - StormBorn
"Stanley is ticked off because Kai insists on riding in the front seat of the cab...Come on, Kai, let me up front, I want to play with the little toggle-toy Kai:The Dead do not ride shotgun..." - mayaxiong
"Stan: YOW! Lookit that lady over there Kai! Whatta babe! Kai: The dead do not 'cruise for chicks.'" - scifiend
"Thoroughly fed up by their childish behavior, Kai refrains from speaking to Stan the Man, and Mr. Bobble-Head." - scifiend
"Stan: Um, Kai, who's your 'little friend' there?" - MicroMary
"Kai: Stan please tell the bobble head
I'm not talking to it until it apologizes for calling me
bunhead" - darkcrow23
"Kai thinking: Hmm, if I can ditch Stan and Xev, this town looks like a great place to party! Woohoo! Sure beats the bug!" - dgrequeen
"Kai and Stan hope to win the UnCon costume contest with the amazing two-headed men." - Wild Woman
"Stan: Kai, listen, I just picked this *lady* up from the street corner and you're not gonna believe what she's doing up here!!!!!" - NB1
"The thrill of bobble head is gone." - Wild Woman
"Coming to a theatre near you: The Man With Two Heads 2002!" -ottokell
"Don't even joke about it!! You know I can't 'get a life'!!" - CleoDonnenG
"Michael, it's a Sadgeezer
Moderator, she wants to talk to you about an interview." - theFrey
"I have killed the evil, the good and the intelligent, but it's been a while since I slaughtered someone who actually likes infomercials." -connyveidt
"Kai: I wouldn't eat it if I were you." - DalekTek790
"Kai: You heard me Stan. Kiss my @ss." - LexxLurker
"No, Stanley, I do not care *what* you have heard about Divine Assassins, there are *some* toys that are not meant to be attached." - Jade
"In video production we call this soap oprea angle." - GotHope
"No, Stan, I won't do it for a Hershey bar. Maybe if you throw in a pair of nylons..." - StormBorn
"Waaaiiit a minute! Looks like the Dead have something they're not telling us, eh, Kai?" - StormBorn
"You don't need those tarts, Stan. You have...me." - StormBorn
"Stanley still wrapped up in his Security guard
mode.. 'Hey Kai, where
you going with that chocolate?' Kai: Damn, he caught me again...gotta get quieter
shoes..." - mayaxiong
"The dead do not care about room service Egyptian style, Stanley." - Micromary
"Stan: C'mon Kai you had to get probed sometime" - darkcrow23
" Stan.. I... I have a confession. I'm pregnant with Victor's baby!" - canuk
"Stan: What? You're in ... 'gulp...' *LOVE* with me?!? Kai: I'm sorry, Stan. I just couldn't hold it in anymore." -dgrequeen
"Kai, it's for you.....it's your Mummy...." - NB1
"I vant to be...alone!" - ottokell
"Stan: Sorry Kai Room Service doesn't serve proto-blood after 11 PM" - Lunachick
"*sniffle* Stanley never lets
me stay when the fun starts. Watch the Door Kai, go kill a bad guy Kai... it's
just *not* fair!" - theFrey
"Kai: Yes, room service, do you have that protoblood yet? No, laundry detergent will not suffice." - connyveidt
"Kai: The dead do not exit stage
right" - LexxLurker
"Banging your head against a door doesn't have the same effect when you're wearing a bouffant." - StormBorn
"I am sorry, Xev, but I *have* told you before: the dead do not 'get it on, bang a gong.'""" "Jade
"Kai: Aw come on Xev, I'm sorry I said your butt looked fat in that
thong bikini....Xev? Xev are you there..? Hello?
Xev: Sleep in the lobby, Mr. Smarty Pants... Kai: Sigh.... -
"I think this is the *surprise* the bellhop said to expect when he walked away empty handed. EEWWWWWW!" - Micromary
"Stan: beat your head against the door all you want Kai I'm not giving you the remote control" - darkcrow23
"I'm not mad, Stan. I'm just very, very hurt." - canuk
"Open this door! Stan! Xev! I know you're in there! LEMME IN!!!" - dgrequeen
"They *WILL* thud for me." - Arania
"My wig's falling off! Doesn't anybody give a damn?" - StormBorn
"Kai in a slightly emotional voice: But I wanted the remote!" - Griever
"Voice from the other side of the door: Room Service! Kai: I did'nt order any Room Service. Voice: Uh, Candygram! Kai: Candygram? Voice: Uh, Land Shark!" - NB1
"Always remember to wear your pants before locking yourself out of your room." - ottokell
"C'mon, Stan, you've been in there for-freakin'-ever! I really gotta go. Stan? Stan?!?! Kai realizes that the dead *do* poo after all." -sp0rk
"97...98...99...100! I'm coming, ready or not!" - Gizmo
"Oo lovely ladies... Why
don't you let Manly Stanley help you out, Kai isn't interested in anything that
will mess up his hair. - theFrey
"I know you like the dead guy, but can he do this neat live long and prosper hand thing? That's right Kai, I didn't think so!" - connyveidt
"Brian: That's it, Michael, next year we go to *separate* fan conventions." - DalekTek790
"Kai the pimp: I told ya, you want my ladies you fork over the cash first." - LexxLurker
"Stan: Oh, no no no, Kai. You can only keep them if they follow you home. This isn't home, now, is it? Kai thinking: It could be." - StormBorn
"Hold that pose! Now, a little more smolder, Kai. Arch your backs, girls. Hold it--hold it--perfect!" - StormBorn
"The party's only for wig addicts, Stan." - StormBorn
"What do you think, Stan? Would I look better wearing the pink one or the purple one?" - StormBorn
"Brian: Pleeeeze Mikey, just a little nibble, I swear I won't eat much. MM: Buzz off, this might be the last time I get groped by extras on the show..." - mayaxiong
"MM thinks: Actually, now that i think about it, this job has kinda got its perks." - scifiend
"Kai: GO AWAY, STAN! We don't want to share!" - Micromary
"MM: Do you mind were kinda busy" - darkcrow
"Stan, there is an old Canadian saying, as true today as ever...make like a tree and leaf!" - canuk
"Kai: No way, Stan! Get your *own* candy-haired women!" - dgrequeen
"'What a hoot it is being dead." - PeridotEyes
"It's amazing the lengths some people will go to just to choose a new M & M color......" - NB1
"'Pink' is now entertaining in Vegas along with her very talented sister, 'Purple'....." - NB1
"Just exactly where is the hand of that pink-haired B*TCH?" - PeridotEyes
"Stan: Now, let me get this straight. You were walking by the Super Glue factory in the Red Light district, when the building exploded..." - ottokell
"What do you mean they're hookers?" - Thodin
"Hello? No, Mr. McManus isn't
taking any calls right now, Unhuh, got it. Well Mr. D., just between you
and me, I don't think he totally trusts you, last time it was a bouffant hairdo,
this time you're talking short jackets, pointy shoes and *tights*" -
"Hmm, maybe the dead should exchange their bun for a cool skullcap....." - connyveidt
"Hmmn...the rap version of 'Yo-Aye-oh' didn't seem to go over with the crowd." - StormBorn
"Samuel L. Jackson and Michael McManus star in 'Pulp Sci-Fi.' Kai: Everybody be cool, this is a cleansing! Any of you ****s move and I'll assassinate every last one of you mother-****ers! May His merciful ****ing Shadow fall upon you!" - DalekTek790
"Kai has finally learned the Jedi Mind Trick to make his enemies punch themselves." - LexxLurker
"No hat can be as big as that bun." - GotHope
"Kai wakes up in shock and realizes that once again the proto-keggers have left him taking the wrong bus home...." - mayaxiong
"MISTER McManus: Dammit! I told PD *IF* I ever did cons it would be *without* the costume. Now, how do I lose this handler and get out of here?" - Micromary
"Funny,I don't remember Elvis wearing an outfit like that." - canuk
"Michael thinking: Why do they always ask *me* to help them with their lines?" - dgrequeen
"Weary of fans, Mr. McManus decides to invest in security..." -Griever
"I wonder if he'll notice that I stole his cell phone..." - ottokell